FAIR4ML Metadata Schema

Release date: 2024.10.27
Version: 0.1.0
Status: Draft (under review)
This version URI: https://w3id.org/fair4ml/0.1.0
Pevious version: https://w3id.org/fair4ml/0.0.1
Latest version URI: https://w3id.org/fair4ml#
Authors. The list of authors is not final! Please contribute to the discussion in our GitHub repository or discussion spreadsheet
License: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
Download: JSON-LD


An increasing amount of machine learning models are produced and shared in the Web by research scientists, ML enthusiast and ML developers. In this document we introduce a Schema.org extension for creating machine-readable representations of trained Machine Learning models. The proposed vocabulary also reuses properties from codemeta, in order to point to the code repository associated with a model. The figure below shows a high-level overview of the main metadata fields used to describe an ML model.

Namespaces used in this document